posterior parietal cortex
Acronym: PPC
The term posterior parietal cortex refers to a multimodal association region of cerebral cortex defined by dissection and and internal structure. It is located on the lateral surface of the parietal lobe posterior to the postcentral sulcus. In the human, sulcal landmarks within the region are highly variable. It is composed of two parts, which are separated by the intraparietal sulcus. The more ventral part is the inferior parietal lobule. The more dorsal part, the superior parietal lobule, extends across the superior margin of the hemisphere onto the medial surface of the lobe.
     The equivalent architectonically defined structure in the macaque occupies approximately the same parts of the parietal lobe, except that, on the lateral surface it does not extend ventrally into the parietal operculum, and caudally, it it does not extend into the angular gyrus beyond the angular sulcus ( Amunts-2012 ).
     The equivalent in the rat and mouse may be the posterior parietal association areas ( Swanson-2004 ).

Also known as: No other name for this structure has appeared in PubMed.NeuroNames ID : 4694

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